FULL SHOW: Verdict Reached In Kyle Rittenhouse Case… In the Court Of Public Opinion He’s A Hero
Alex Jones is live in-studio hosting the first half of the show, exposing the leftist pedophiles who cover themselves with the phrase “minor attracted person”. Constitutional attorney Norm Pattis joins to discuss the latest in the legal fights Infowars is in and comment on the Kyle Ritenhouse case. Owen Shroyer then takes over showing the latest tyrannical statements from Anthony Fauci and how the left is going to attempt at fomenting another riot in Kenosha depending on the Rittenhouse decision. MSM denies a rift between Biden and Harris, which almost confirms it, but if that doesn’t, Harris being left off the manifest for the big upcoming summit with China does. Owen also introduces #Infowarsstore.

If all hell breaking loose is the goal of the left, convict Kyle and see what happens. Blood of tyrants will feed the tree of liberty.

Friends, they will leave us no choice. They will never stop. Never. Logic and morality will never drive their decisions. We will never peacefully coexist. They leave us no choice.