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From WISDOM - "Here is wisdom, the only knowledge which endures forever, true understanding..."

Max Anderson
Max Anderson - 301 Views
Published on 18 May 2020 / In Film and Animation

The Volumes of Truth: A Return to the Garden
Text from: "WISDOM"

4/26/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior
The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy
For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Source 1:
Source 2:

Video Excerpts: "Thus says The Lord: True wisdom is not of man, nor is it found in the earth, but from above - heavenly, holy. For that created was created according to the wisdom of Him who created it and by whom all things consist, knowing their form from the beginning. Therefore the fear of The Lord is indeed the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of The Holy One is understanding, as it is written.
Yet in vain men continue to seek out wisdom, yet never find it; they search for knowledge, yet it remains just outside their reach. For apart from Me there is no knowledge, apart from Me all understanding passes away. For I AM HE, The Only Fountain from which flows all wisdom and knowledge, The Source of all things.
For I am He who spoke into the dark which was upon the face of the deep; behold, I am He who divided the light from the darkness. Thus all things conform to the line which I have set. For My will is a rock which can never be moved, the confines in which all creation exists.
And behold, the earth abides forever, and everything in it gives heed to the will of The Most High God, having come forth by the Word of My power. Thus that which has been corrupted shall be purified, and that which has become crooked shall once again be made straight, restored to the form in which I created it, according to that same wisdom by which it was made at the first - from Glory to Glory, by Grace of Grace, says The Lord."


"Therefore here is wisdom, the only knowledge which endures forever, true understanding: I AM. And you are in life because of Me. And all that is, even all these worlds to every star you see in the heavens, was made according to the wisdom of The Father, brought forth and established through The Son, by whom all things consist. For I AM, and have always been, The Way and The Life, The Salvation of God, The Only Truth from which all understanding flows - YAHUSHUA-YAHUWAH."

- Regarding Creation:

Tags: prophecy, prophetic, Word of God, Modern Scriptures, Letters from God, Thus says The Lord, wisdom of God, fear of The Lord, heavenly, holy, teaching, understanding, walk, faith, devotion, hope, Letters, Volumes, Wisdom, Truth, Christian, Source, Life, creation, Fountain, knowledge, YahuShua, Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, God, Yahweh, YAHUWAH, The Volumes of Truth, A Return to The Garden

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