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Friday News And Views With Attitude

Right Edition
Right Edition - 470 Views
Published on 20 Oct 2023 / In News and Politics

The 1st Americans were not who we thought they were

For decades, we thought the first humans to arrive in the Americas came across the Bering Land Bridge 13,000 years ago. New evidence is changing that picture.

New Evidence Puts Man In North America 50,000 Years Ago

Radiocarbon tests of carbonized plant remains where artifacts were unearthed last May along the Savannah River in Allendale County by University of South Carolina archaeologist Dr. Albert Goodyear indicate that the sediments containing these artifacts are at least 50,000 years old, meaning that humans inhabited North American long before the last ice age.

If We Can't Identify What A Woman Is, How Will We Enforce Joe Biden's Famous "Violence Against Women" Act?

How would you respond to someone who said something like that? You'd probably give up and find someone else to talk to. That person was not capable of conversation. So, last night we said we wanted to see Ketanji Jackson's LSAT scores. That's no longer necessary. We can say with certainty she is clearly a sub genius and probably shouldn't be on the Supreme Court. What's a woman?

Dylan Mulvaney says woman-of-the-year award ‘means so much more’ after Bud Light backlash

After gaining Attitude magazine’s first-ever woman of the year award, US trans activist Dylan Mulvaney said receiving such recognition from the UK-based LGBTQ+ publication “means so much more” after a substantial transphobic backlash undermined her Bud Light advertisement.

Political Correctness a Mind Control Tactic of the Unhinged Left

The problem with ‘political correctness’ is that it is purely subjective. It has no legitimacy and no place in a free society. In America today, political correctness is nothing more than a mind control tactic used by the increasingly more unhinged Left. Those who push political correctness are the ones who set the standards for what is and is not ‘politically correct’.

The Left’s War on Food, Fuel, Healthcare, Education & Social Order

The Left’s central-control agenda opposes the values of Western Civilization but cannot destroy them. The now obvious agenda of the modern political Left is to amass complete Central Control ⏤ of the economy, food, fuel, healthcare, education, and social order ⏤ by an all-powerful, global governing body comprised of self-seated elites.


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