FreeSpeech Purge Was Going to Happen If Hillary Won: It Happened Anyway
Many people wonder why Drudge flipped. Here’s what Matt Drudge told me when he came to Infowars, fall 2015. But what has happened to our country — and will happen UNLESS we stop it — is MUCH worse than anyone expected
They want a war!!!! Trump wants us to fight and bare arms. Marshall law is the worst thing that can happen. It is the quickest pathway to the NWO tyranny over USA. Keep you heads people. No one in power is your friend right now. Speak with your neighbors kindly and reason together with them and by all means pray and repent of your sins and ask God to forgive us all and just maybe He will relent of allowing this judgement upon us.
God is judging us for our nation's sins and they are many. Most are about letting evil take over and doing nothing about it.
Our fight is against angelic forces of evil that have permission to destroy us because of our passive inclinations to evil. We have sided with evil against righteousness and purity. Wake up!!!!!!!
Glad to see you reporting again David. Keep up the great work.