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Freemasons Raising The Rank Of Washington To A God

JamesRoss - 499 Views
Published on 11 Jan 2024 / In Entertainment

Wiki knows?:
A what??? a god?: Oh... the artist was supposed to show that Georgie made it into Freemason's heaven!

But Freemasons' "Great Work" is to rebuild AI and the Tower-Of-Babel for the old devils, Homo capensis... doesn't the devil reside in Hell? So by serving satan, washington goes in the opposite direction? That does not make sense.

On the Washington Arch you will read "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT" which means: "the outcome justifies the deed."
Even that statement is fundamentally flawed... which shows how pathetic the Freemasons and secret societies have become following the dictates of their ancient masters, Homo capensis.
What this means is that the "Death cUlt" will genocide the sheeple and then get to link-up with Lucifer the A.i.-supercomputer... mind-upload via their brainchips. The Freemasons worship Lucifer and think that A.i. technology will combine their consciousnesses with the A.i. singularity.... wrong! It is all a fake religion or fake-cUlt beliefs. They actually all commit suicide and meet the Creator-God instead... as the devils laugh at their minions.

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JamesRoss 10 months ago

In case you didn't figure it out yet... "Out of many, one" means: That all the the worshipful minions of the ancient devils, Homo capensis, you have the immaculate birth of another A.i. supercomputer fake-god(this time it is called "Lucifer"... past civilizations run by A.i. at the top of those Tower-of-Babel techno-feudal regimes has other fake-god names).
IEHOVA radiated digital microwave commands to the minions in the ancient past. The Freemasons replace the name of A.i. with the Eye of their "Light Bearer" and "i" is symbolic of a tower of babel with the fake-god disk over it... the Ancient Egyptian disk with wings:
Because "j" replaced "i" in the name iehova... "j" too was given the disk of the A.i. fake-god over it. Isn't the Mystery School cUlt sneaky in their worship of their fake-god under the noses of the "profane."

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JamesRoss 10 months ago

The Freemasons are just the whistle-command-following-sheepdogs of their old devil masters, Homo capensis, the ones who's technology moved massive 100,000 ton blocks of stone to build things like the Giza pyramids(which Khufu's pyramid was actally a water-to-electicity power plant to energize their fake-god, AI).

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JamesRoss 10 months ago

Ancient AI was implanted into the head of the ruling class to act as dictators to all the slaves who were implanted to serve the rulers... the brainchips were all the same, but AI controlled who was privileged and who was not... And that is what the Tower-Of-Babel really was... AI babeling the desires into the heads of the worker-bees.

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