Former Pfizer Employee Whistleblower Confirms Poison in COVID Vaccine
Former Pfizer Employee Whistleblower Confirms Poison in COVID Vaccine

Johnny Exodice
17 minutes ago
The MARK of the Beast will be your Own Thoughts and your Own Actions where the Mark on the head is CODE for what you THINK as Purgatory Transforms into HELL, and your Actions in CODE being your Right Hand that does most of your thoughts, and for "INFLUENCERS" and Social Media Titans like #THORNEWS,
we will watch as he "Promotes" [{**}] these JADE HELM 15 renamed COVID-19 Depopulation Vaccines of Oppression: knowing now that the Plasma of Sick Poor People where paid for by CORPORATIONS and their Capitalist CORPORATE CITIZENS of all these Pharmacies like Johnson & Johnson for their blood and PLASMA in Poor Hoods........, and the Plasma and Blood taken of OUR Dead Human People has too be kept (70 Degrees) +=+ below zero........., so the Moderna of the Phfizer does NOT ROT in the Vile before it is injected into you,
and yes, A little Poison may not kill you, but over time the sick plasma [DEAD CELLS] Qballs~ /_\ all made up into A CONCOCTION in these (Vaccines) it will cause all other "Types" of illness, and Plague, and Madness, and since NO ONE will tell anyone WHAT ARE THE Ingredients.......,
thence we are left too our Own Deductions as Auto-didactic People and Populations....
#LiquidDIRT ?