Former Australian Special Forces Commander Riccardo Bosi Australia One Party
Although most of my viewers likely live in the US as I do, I am sharing this video of my home country Australia as I think it's awesome there is some pushback to the insanity going on there. So maybe a fellow Aussie will find it and share it, who knows. It's not in the video, but this party doesn't buy the covid lie either. We need more people to come together as a group to save this country and planet.

I like Bosci...It puzzles me tho about him using the term judeo/christian appears to me that Isreal hasn't the same 'affection' for Aussies as the latter? This un-dying pledge to Isreal is very dangerous if not out right genocidal...where does this comraderie, this allegience come from? Isreal has used every 5eye nation to coerce other nations into un-ending wars, why? If Isrea is at odds with their neighbor maybe quit BLOWING UP THEIR FUCKING KIDS AND LYING ABOUT IT? I digress, Bosci...why this allegience to the globalist's who are right now in your backyard with some more "alligience" when is enough enough?
valid Q...your up

Good luck to him .better get life ins for the wife and kids.put out vid he's not suicidal