Formal 'Thank You' to UGEtube & How I've been over the target of this fraud (Covid-19) since March 2020
The first official upload directly for UGEtube. I believe I found this site from a link on Beforeitsnews 2 months ago and just been bringing my stuff from YouTube, over to this platform.
As I state in the video, I do not want all my content to be strictly about Covid-19. For the many who took the jab out of fear, duped into the mask/the 15 days-1year lockdown to slow this ""virus"" and felt it was the only way to get back to "normal," the message or theme of the video's is to show how they have been tricked and played into being a test subject's for the Government/Media.
The cycle of brainwashing has to end NOW!
But sadly, the only thing people like me can do is warn people. How they wake up is up to them...
Thank You.

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