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For Evil To Succeed, Good People Must Be Demoralized And Humiliated

Infowars - 253 Views
Published on 15 Oct 2022 / In News and Politics

For Evil To Succeed, Good People Must Be Demoralized And Humiliated

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michaellewiskahn 2 years ago

Christians are all homos and are so much against lgbq, and I have no love for them, but the christians are all gay themselves. The difference is that white christians are pure and holy, go around thumping their chests in pride over being born christian and American= their god is their belly, their glory is their shame, the damn faggots are saying how bad faggots are. it is a clown show

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michaellewiskahn 2 years ago

this is why I am glad lying bought trump-loving Jones is being sued. his minions lying and defaming good people and claiming themselves to be persecuted and slandered. When you point out the devil's faults, he never admits to it. Instead we see hateful words against blacks with no substance. BLM leadership were sold-out, but there were no riot squads, any violence was a reaction to police being thugs and using tear gas, beatings, etc...Jones spreads hate of blacks and claims how innocent he and whites are. Never heard of slavery, jim crow, etc.. there is still slavery in the US prisons== see he is crying about white men and how wonderful they are. totally innocent, pure and holy. of course .

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johnck 2 years ago

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