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Flooding in Honduras! The city of La Ceiba is under water!.mp4

closerleasure - 340 Views
Published on 08 Nov 2021 / In News and Politics

Strong winds and heavy rains are exacerbating the insecure humanitarian situation in Honduras Villeda Morales is home to the indigenous community of Miskito, which makes a living by fishing and raising animals. This population lives in an area of ​​approximately 600 square kilometers in villages, reachable only by a maze of streams, rivers, lagoons and mangroves. The storms caused flooding in canals and rivers and flooded the entire municipality of Gracias a Dios. “Everything was filled with water, and we walked without getting up for over a month,” Felicia recalls. “We have lost animals, cattle and grain. This is bad. Very bad. Two months later, open communities like Felicia are still feeling the effects of these floods, as well as damage from strong winds. The floods caused by the storm exacerbated an existing problem: the lack of drinking water. Floodwater flows into wells and mixes wastewater contaminated with garbage and debris with rainwater for drinking. In many communities, rainwater is the only source of drinking water; many people drink it raw, chlorine -free, or cooked. Unsafe drinking water is the leading cause of many diseases Dr. Savala at his clinic. Children under the age of five are at greatest risk, and they often develop conditions such as diarrhea. The clinic has also seen an increase in cases of malaria and skin diseases caused by standing water after storms. The team spent several days meeting with the local emergency management committee to find out how best to get to Vankiavala. Access by sea, the fastest and most direct route, is almost immediately cut off by the dangers of the weather and the open sea. This alternative but longer route - first a boat ride into the lagoon at 4: 30 AM and then continuing when the canals and rivers have become too shallow - is the next best option. These hygiene kits contain materials such as soap and chlorine, which help prevent the spread of water -borne diseases, as well as essential items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and toiletries.

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