Flat Earth: Leo & Scimandan destroy the globe.
I stand by the things that are demonstrably true.
The foucault pendulum video by the bloody truth can be found here:
The foucault pendulum video by Eric dubay can be found here:https://youtu.be/VUSJkDx7uUY
Thanks Eric & Rob 👍

All timelines are availble. Flat earth resides in the 2nd dimension which as you know we are currently in the 3rd moving onward (many of us)

pure stupidity, never heard any explanation of what difference does it make? Don.t use the "they lied" excuse we know they lie about everything. So what difference in my life does it make? NON WHATS SO EVER. So cool your jets fool.

Good one. Some are waking up about the Flat Lands so I made this to help epople discuss this subject.
WHAT IF? THE FLATTENED CURVE - https://ugetube.com/watch/what....-if-the-flattened-cu