FLASHBACK! Rockefeller University Epidemiologist Vindicated: Lockdowns Did Not Work and Created Mutant Variants
Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski, former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University, says there is no evidence coronavirus shutdowns had any impact on COVID-19.

even when typing,
keyboard is frozen
typing : a b c,
it turns as : c a b,
because cloudflare script flags connection to intercept text through vpn,
meanwhile intercepting "b" it types "c" ; so "b" comes after "c" on text
mixing letters on real time while decrypting vpn

so guy is typing , quietly, commenting news SUDDENLY cloudflare interrupts zen viewing with "checking your browser ..." needing to wait for long time before it is checked ... almost forgetting what was typed before check needing to back up each page for viewing and commenting without being disturbed by "cloudflare is checking your browser"
ugetube is not real time because of cloudflare scan, needing to refresh for veiwing, posting, commenting ...
bitchute, breadtube, rumble, brandew ... work real time without cloudflare

Checking your browser before accessing ugetube.com
This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.
Please allow up to 5 seconds…
DDoS protection by Cloudflare

cloudflare explicitly admits that it needs to shutdown firewall for accessing ugetube
only website to do so... during 10 minutes blocking access to browsed page while browsing

cloudflare wants to know who is commenting, posting link and watching infowars on ugetube
do not trust ugetube spreading cloudflare damaging browser ... and computer without firewall