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Field testing: Beeman R9, Walther LGV, Walther LGU - by Airgun Expert Rick Eutsler / AirgunWeb

Rick Eutsler AirgunWeb / AirgunWebTV
Published on 03 May 2018 / In People and Blogs

Always shooting in the studio or from a bench does not always translate into being effective in the field. Even the best gear in inexperienced hands won't live up to its potential. To prove this point I asked my buddy Cecil to come out to the desert and setup a simulated hunting test using 3 of my best spring guns. We each took turns running the short course just to see how we'd do. Well, the results were interesting. Both Cecil and I are pretty good shots in controlled environments and when bench testing on the range. But, the proof is in the pudding here because this video shows that we both need a lot of practice if we are going to be truly effective in the field.

Beeman R9:

Hawke Airmax EV 3-12X50AO:

Walther LGV:

Hawke AirMax EV 4-12x50 AO:

Crosman Premier light:

Walther LGU:

Hawke Airmax EV 4-12x40 Scope:

Leapers High Weaver Rings:

Crosman Premiers:

About AirgunWeb & Dog River Design, LLC.
AirgunWeb is a leader in Airgun Reviews and Information. Airgun Expert and Critic Rick Eutsler, has been testing and reviewing airguns, pellet guns, bb guns, and various airsoft airguns since 2006. As owner of Dog River Design, LLC. ( (formerly a division of Dog River Business Solutions, LLC.) Rick has been developing and managing website content, design, and marketing strategies for national and international companies since 1997.

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