Feelings Don't Care about your Facts - A chat about Liberal Bias and 'Feelings Over Facts&
The power of the lefts indoctrination is an anti-fact forcefield called Moral Superiority. it's the most powerful form of social control in
the world, far more effective than fear or overt oppression which will eventually when they have nothing left to lose. When falsely believing oneself to be morally superior to ones opponent - one becomes arrogant and certain. and worse - one can comfortably ignore things like having no argument, facts that disagree with the positions they hold emotionally, or being challenged on having these false beliefs. This is the collar and fake news is the leash used to control the modern liberal. This is why I often try to focus on explaining the emotional and moral spectrum of argument and debate as the most important when dealing with non-rational people.And this is also exactly what Kanye (and many great moralists through history, like gandhi and MLK) is doing with his talk of Love and unity.
I predict Kanye will be killed or compromised if Trump loses this shadow war.
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Fake news is not new, it was always like that, only now some are waking up on how fake it is, wars were created with fake news.