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FEE FI FO FUM - Important Music Video of Cryptic History!

Brandon Nighthawk
Brandon Nighthawk - 235 Views
Published on 29 Jul 2024 / In Music

This FEE FI FO FUM by Destiny Lab is the arguably the most important music video because it tells & shows you all of the cryptic history that The Powers That Be doesn't want you know that they want to reset. Watch & listen multiple times to get it all down pat so you know what happen and why & what's going on in this pathetic modern age!

If this video is important to you and you want others like Family & Friends you care about to know the truth then share this video and let them know! I would appreciate it if you give this video a Thumb's up and leave an optional comment ;) Also I would very much appreciate it if you check out My other videos too including My special introduction for My origins of why I'm here and for more content truths of what is really going on :)


#TruthMusic #DestinyLab #FeeFiFoFum #ChristianHipHop

This song is from Destiny Lab's latest album "Shift Your Paradigm" The single and full album are both available at

A huge thank you to Michel Myers Productions for creating this absolutely incredible video! If you would like to hire Michael for your own videos get in touch with him here.

According to Genesis 6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

So according to the Bible as well as the Book of Enoch 1/3 of the angels rebelled against God not just Lucifer. They fell because they wanted to intermingle their seed with mankind and created giants and hybrid beings in the days before the flood. These giants lusted after human women and set out to have sex and bore children to them who were the Nephilim or the men of renown or giants of old.

After the flood a small number continued to fall and Nimrod tried to turn himself into a type of Nephilim and used their technology to try to be like God and reach the heavens. Many lines of giants continued to spread their seed over time and were named by name in the Bible. Giants such as Anakim; Emims; Goliath; Ishbi-Benob; Og; Rephaim; Zamzummim.

Their attributes and stories were listed throughout the Bible and almost every culture and ancient texts verify the existence of these giants and that they were the offspring of the fallen angels or the Watchers.

After the majority of these giants were killed in the flood they became the wandering demonic familiar spirits that now possess people worldwide. They wear various disguises to deceive mankind and they continue to torment people to this day through things like sleep paralysis, alien abductions, channeling, ouija boards, seances, occult rituals, DMT and ayahuasca pharmakia and now technology through quantum computers and the elitists in control of most scientific endeavors.

Cern, Nasa, Kindred, D-Wave, and of course apple who externalize their true demonic agenda by throwing it right in your face. Just look at their logo and ask yourself what they are trying to say? Remember the original sin story of the serpent? They have worn many disguises throughout time but their agenda and deceptive spirits always repeat the same original sin lie. Just like the serpent in the garden they tell people that they can become their own gods.

They diminish the role of Jesus Christ and tell us that he was just another enlightened master or avatar no different than Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and other religious leaders. They deceive people through new age ideas and the promise of enlightenment. This is the eternal carrot on the stick to no where. They offer signs and wonders and false miracles and healings posing as something good when they are in fact the root of all evil sent to keep people from finding true salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Their goal from the beginning was to corrupt the bloodlline of mankind. These were angels in heaven who had access to heavenly realms and the things of God. They know the word of God and prophecy inside and out and have had thousands of years to perfect their deceptions. However as much as they try they cannot create anything that is really new. They can only repackage the exact same original sin lie in a variety of costumes.

Because they understand prophecy that the coming Messiah Jesus Christ would be someone born from the pure line of Adam. Jesus was in fact the second Adam created without sin and this was very important. As much as the fallen angels and Lucifer have tried they were unable to destroy this bloodline and this is why these endless genealogies in the Bible are so very important. From Adam to Noah to Abraham to David all the way to Jesus this lineage was unbroken to absolutely fulfill the prophecies of old told long before Jesus was born.

We can be sure that Jesus is real and the fallen angels and the stories of the fallen angels and ongoing angelic conflict confirm the word of God to be trustworthy and true. Don't believe me, research these things for yourself. The documentaries by Gonz Shimura called Age of Deceit 1,2 and 3 will explain all these things in much deeper detail. Time is short and now is the time to investigate the spiritual realm and choose this day whom you will serve! God or the devil. If you are not on the side of Jesus Christ you are against him.

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