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Federal Reserve: planned implosion of economy

Shelby 80
Shelby 80 - 453 Views
Published on 25 Mar 2020 / In News and Politics

The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE bank. James Bullard (President Fed Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
said “This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy in the second quarter.” The Federal Reserve (a PRIVATE bank) bought $272 billion of government debt of 500 billion authorized, which Bullard emphasized should not be seen as a limit. “This is unlimited and we can go much higher if necessary.” What does this mean? They are planning to use this pandemic to implode the economy and take control (purchase) all the businesses that need a bailout. This PRIVATE bank prints the money so they can purchase anything they want at a steep discount. If their plan succeeds, this will be the biggest theft in history. They portray themselves as the heroes blaming the economic implosion on a virus rather than their reckless spending and policies.

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