FBI Houston Nuke Drill, Another Balloon, IRS Whistleblower, 50K Arrested At Border In 1 Week
Houston Texas holds a week long nuclear drill exercise held by the FBI, is this readying the public for some type of false flag event? Why do a exercise like this now out of the blue? Satellite pictures show 100 foot long Chinese spy balloon at remote Chinese desert base. U.S. tracking another mysterious balloon over Hawaii that should head towards Mexico. Biden Campaign pushed CIA to write false laptop letter defending him. IRS Whistleblower is about to explode the Biden family scandals. Border chief reveals they made over 50,000 arrests in just one week as well as seizing 52 pounds of Fentanyl and 246 pounds of meth in just one weeks time at the southern border. Will Joe Biden seek to pardon his son Hunter if he is indicted on any crimes? Could Joe Biden be impeached? Godfather of artificial intelligence quits Google and says he regrets his life's work. This years three bank failures held 532 billion dollars in assets, more than all the lenders that collapsed in 2008. Joe Biden jokes about doing nothing and taking no questions at the White House correspondence dinner. Vice media to file for bankruptcy was valued at 5.7 billion dollars in 2017. Governor Greg Abbott prompts swift rebukes for stating that the mass shooting victims in Texas were illegal immigrants, which is in fact true. As well as the fact that the gunman who shot and killed five, was also himself an illegal alien who had been deported from the United States 4 times previously. Newt Gingrich thinks republicans should keep an eye on Michelle Obama, will Biden be replaced by Michelle Obama? Could she beat Trump in a head to head? Biden approaches summer with fewer options since the strategic petroleum reserves is so low he can't take much more out of it. Roman Polanski poses in smiling photo with woman he allegedly drugged and raped at the age of 13. Is some new information about to come about about Polansky? Bernie Sanders says all wealth over 999 million dollars should be seized. Eric Adams accuses Greg Abbott of racism over migrant bussing. New York Co-Op owners rebel against massive New York City climate laws costing millions. Elon Musk cuts employees parental leave to 2 weeks from 20 weeks. Kamala Harris keeps some of her assets in Trusts. Joe Biden has a trust he created for his granddaughters. What other Trusts does Biden or Harris possibly have? America First legal demands National Archives docs on Obama foundation, other presidential transitions. White Indiana politician sparks outrage after he labels himself a lesbian woman of color. New Zealand Prime Minister says he wants his country to be a republic an ditch the British royals. Computers are now using AI to read people's minds. Eric Adams recruits New Yorkers in the street in an effort to fill New York jobs. Is this a person who doesn't know how to lead? It appears so. El Paso to issue state of emergency as border facilities hit capacity ahead of title 42 expiration. ABC airs old stock footage of the Twin Towers accidentally and apologizes. New York income sinks 16 billion as many flee the state. Arkansas judge orders Hunter Biden to reveal art and investment income. More news.

The General Mining Law of 1872 regulates the mining of certain mineral resources on federal public domain lands. The law permits individuals and corporations to prospect on public domain lands and to stake claims on mineral discoveries they make. The 42nd United States Congress passed the legislation in April 1872 and President Ulysses S. Grant (R) signed it into law the next month.[1][2]

It's called substainable development.in California you have to update appliances to energy efficiency models.if home owners refuse or can't afford to.they condem the house.hire contractors to install new appliances.if owners can't afford it they take the house or put liens on property.

TELL OF VAST RICHES IN THE GRAND CANYON; Men Engaged in Gold Dredging Operations Expect to Astonish the World.
June 19th, 1912:

Parental leave I think was five months not six sorry.

I'm sure fox had a non compete clause in tickets contract.he has a pod cast before this happened.they could pay Tucker the extent of his contract if he keeps his mouth shut.i was done with him when he said the laptop copy got lost in mail by UPS.think in future.dems aren't having any debates.theyre clearing any opostion against Biden in 2024 election.fox either ends or is so controlled it's like cnn.

The movie I was thinking of was Sum of All Fears.