Fake Biden & Fake Sets Prophetic Word. FDA Evil Exposed. B2T Show Mar 14, 2022.mp4
Fake Biden & Fake Sets? Prophetic Word. FDA Evil Exposed.
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'Fake' or not, he is currently the face of who is destroying our nation. Is it him? No. He's senile. It's Obama, It's Susan Rice and their entire administration. It is Obama's 3rd term. Why we are not doing anything, I don't know. I wish i knew how to take action. I would. I bet many feel the same way. I don't want to hear anymore about November or 'taking the House back'. That's not working. Most all politicians are corrupt and need to be removed. Those we think are pro America are simply controlled opposition. All hearings are theater. For example, Fauci lied under oath about 'gain of function'. Not only was he not arrested or removed from his position, he's still in a position of deciding the fate of American lives daily. This is a travesty. He belongs in jail with 2/3rds of Congress and much of the current administration. Trump said 'because you'd be in jail'. He, too, is part of this narrative, kept about to keep those people that have had enough but still have faith placated. Thing is, another four years of him, would be another four years of a façade while the country continued to further devolve into totalitarianism. Forget Communism. This is about the complete take over of our lives by government, at every level, home, job, school, marriage, procreation, all of it. The US is using Ukraine to keep our eye off what they continue to do to us under our noses all while getting set to cost innocent young men and women their lives. Men and women they just said to 'you vaccinate or you're out of the military.' Now, he will send these young men and women to die. The time for falling for their misdirection must end. Time is up and has been for some time now.

When Fear Controls you, Nothing else can…
It is one thing to be Young and Imperious like a New Born Baby Lamb…,
but impetuousness can only get you so far in life, and when the Wolves of this world reveal themselves to you with CORPORATION WAR FARE and Mind Controls on the many Mindless Medicated Militant Menticide Masses, you want to wake from this shared dream we all keep waking up together be you Young or Old, Rick or Poor, there is no one free here for we are and THEY LIVE are only Slaves to the Memory of What Was – What is – What will Be in the Book of Revelation, and as Christ Jesus Returned, I do tire of this Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Misery…
How much more can you {want to know} [{**}] about Whom Done What that turned our Home World into the Dead Globe Earth our MOON in the Night and Day Sky.?.?.?
What [justice] [{*}] is served here for them that seek too please you: with' EVIL` when (Day 6) in the Holy Living Bible it says and states you are NOT made by a God of Hate???
Be it my oblivion to "escape" perdition in the 2nd LAKE of Fire as we all Walk through the 1st Lake of Fire called Deja-vu in the Book of Books...
Take too heart our God is not too be trifled with, and know my {little ones} +=+ as you grow older, your courage will falter, your bravery will fade, and you will bow to your Masters these MASON Lodges of the INTERNATIONALIST [U.N. Troops] in our Local Police Costumes, and Our Military UNIFORMS of War Games "of and for" WAR IS MURDER as you are forced to break the TEN COMMANDMENTS again, and again by the very CITIZENS (Youm) Employ known as This FLAG is not That FLAG!!!
This invasion of the Body Snatcher with that {AI Black Goo} in your eyes giving you the [Shade] and Shadow of Death known as (Cobalt) Eyes rather than your natural born IRIS "Colour" is another Sign and Wonders from the New Testament GOSPEL in these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME, and in this edition, you can not Run to the Hills, nor Mountains to find your Salvation: as this World` Machine' Breaks down from the TONGA Time Distortation Traversal Ripping and Warping with Ripples "all time" till TIME is no more in 2094 CE…
You did not know Time Travel destroys TIME.?.?.?.?.?
What befalls your LUCK, and Your FATE, and your Destiny is NOT in your hands, as your (Deja-Vu) proves you, and I, and they, and them have already lived these Past – Present – Future Lives in the {Book of Revelation} called The What Was – What Is – What Will be…
I am not here to bring you sorrow my People and Children of Pak-Toe, I am only [stating] even if you have this Holy Spirit as spoke in the New Testament GOSPEL, you too can be "tricked" into HATRED of your Fellow Mankind in this world of THAT FLAG is not MY FLAG......., and this will turn your LOVE into Reprobate before our All Knowing God........., and that will (seal) the 7 seals of your Luck, and your Fate, and Your Destiny {to join them} that MURDER For Fun, and Monetary Gain as WAR HERO’s even if youm "never" held a gun because your [Hatred] of another is the only Weapon our God can condemn you for and with…
And so many will [fail] for their Private Thoughts thinking Our God does not know what they think...
Remember` that as Purgatory Turns into Perdition for the Racka, as well as, we whom just want to go home' when all is said and done in the Book of Revelation you chose your FATE, your LUCK, and your Destiny…
You are NOT a machine, you are "A Thing" of Flesh and Blood and Bones made by our God that is their God in this WAR GAMES of this FLAG is not that FLAG….
You are [A PAWN] in a Ponzi Scheme "of and for" your MORTAL......., not immortal SOUL given to you by OUR GOD that is also their God....
Christ Jesus Returned~ ?
You are a Pawn in a "Ponzi" scheme being your very soul...
Are you Catching on Yet????
Paul The Apostate~ ?