FAITH - One who must see with his eyes lacks trust, and one who has itching ears lacks understanding
From The Volumes of Truth - Words To Live By:
*WORDS TO LIVE BY - Full Playlist:
Text: "When My servant no longer seeks to see with his eyes, nor hear with his ears, the fulfillment of those things written, then he will know his faith is near to completion, says The Lord. For one who must see with his eyes lacks trust, and one who has itching ears lacks understanding.
Yet the servant who truly believes
Is no longer bound by the need
For confirmation...
He seeks not after signs, nor does
He sit idle waiting for the news...
For his trust is complete,
His understanding full,
And he is at peace...
Walking in the ways of The Lord."
- Regarding Faith:
Tags: #WordsToLiveBy #Faith #Psalms #Proverbs #TheVolumesofTruth #TheWordofGod #LettersfromGod #NewScriptures #WordsofWisdom #WisdomofGod #trust #TrueBelief #spirituality #Christianity #God #YAHUWAH #YAHUSHUA #Lord #Savior #Jesus #Christ

the fact is, the only truth available to is in this time comes from divine revelation, trust NOTHING ELSE.
test the SPIRITS if it does not come with OVERWHELMING LOVE it is the WRONG ONE