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Fairies: Strange Encounters and The Missing 411 Connection?

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 594 Views
Published on 16 Mar 2021 / In Technology

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► A fairy, or rather the fae are said to be to a type of mythical creature known throughout European Folklore. Historically, these beings haven’t been referred to as completely physical, but rather tend to be described as more spirit like. During more recent times, fairies are commonly depicted as friendly, helpful and loving creatures, but for the remainder of this video, you’re going to have to get this visualisation out of your mind. As far as I can gather there is no singular, specific origin of the fae, but rather there are a collection of beliefs and reported incidents that have occurred throughout Europe and other continents around the world too, which I suppose could be considered fairly strange. There are also similarities between the traditional European folklore and folklore from other places around the world such as the Southern Americas, which we’ll come to later.

Before we go any further and start delving into this, I want to make it abundantly clear that nothing in this video relates to my own personal views. This purpose of this video is not to mock anyone, nor will it be in support of any point of view, but rather I’m going to try to come at this from a completely neutral perspective and this is something I want you to bear in mind throughout. I don’t have a stake in the topic.

Fairies: Strange Encounters and The Missing 411 Connection?
Missing 411 Fairies

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago  

The Little People of Hollywood

You would think by now with all our knowledge of THE RAPTURE of these TV Screens since the end of the Trip to the Moon in the 1800’s so soon after the INCUBATOR BABIES had been born, and that HUMAN is not the only “destination” of these Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body Temple TEMPORARY (Terrestrial) AVATARS that we the people would move beyond just EYES that can go SOLID BLACK too Black Holes [for eyes] where the Crystal Haze of Grey used to be in the Whites of our eyes, and then yes yes all the Machine Eyes: of Cubes, and Triangles, and all the rest with {Magical Eyes} as well of Holographix VR Visions whilst we sleep and dream…. AND Yet, ever since The Wizard of OZ the Alice in the LOOKING GLASS not the “Rabbit Hole” there is another factor too tell about our OPPRESSORS from we the people, and it ain’t just Eyes that can go from Black to Blue to many strange things, but THE HEAD of “Adults” on Child like Miniature Bodies like the heads of the GIRLS aka WOMB-MEN in their late 20’s most likely around 28 to 32 in the New Charmed TV Show here in 2021 C.E. of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 of the U.N. sorcery of [lets all be] Lesbians and Homosexuals, so no more HUMANS are born…

Now, I did explain that Greta Thunberg the CLIMATE CHANGE Activist is 28, and not 17 and that since EUGENICS can be used to make my Light Skin Dark just like was done by Michael Jackson trying too REVERSE His “genetic” Manipulation by these (COVID19) FREE MASON Doctors, and Dancing Hospital Staff [practicing] too be at the SUPER BOWL Half Time show in 2020 C.E., then once you can see something, you can not but SEE IT in all the Heads of these FEMALES in all {TV Shows} where their HEAD is just Too Big for their Child Like Miniature “Made” Bodies kinda like breeding Race Horses, and Show DOGS, and we all know the Kardashians from Kanye West to Donald J. Trump with his Small Girly hands……., as the Hollywood “Females” all have Large Mens hands with their Too Big Heads for their Genetically Engineered Hollywood Bodies, and since WE THE PEOPLE whom are [nonmason] pay all these TAXES to them we EMPLOY known as our Local Population Town Leaders, you would “think” the FREE MASON Lodge Members would be rounded up for High Treason – Sedition – Treachery: for these FAKED TV “Shows” of Landing on the Moon and Mars, but NO ONE (is ever taken) too THE COURTS criminal, or civil for all these {Lies Agreed Upon} by the Upper Class whom all live off of [our] Q-balls~ /_\ NON-MASON TAXES?????

None the matter….., As I have seen that we have other issues like {G4S] replacing all POLICE, and all MILITARY in all U.N. FLAGS as MUD FLOOD [Replacement] Populations fill our empty dead cities, and we all know the TV is not “for we” the Original Decedents of all them INCUBATOR BABIES after the end of the LAST WARS of WW1 and WW2 where all these {Little Bodies} are presented as Hollywood AMERICAN Idols: told us to buy WAR BONDS, so we could send our sons and daughters, wives and husbands, brothers and sisters, and our PARENTS off to do WAR IS MURDER when Murder is against the {LAW OF G.O.D.} in all human courts of law, and yet, these Masons are the JUDGES – The Politicians – The Religions of DO NO HARM??? However, rather then look at Skin Tone, or Hair Color, or even the EYES of we many, many, many “types” of PEOPLE and PERSONS, we need too look at these Fairies, and these Dwarves in all these TV Talking Heads, for they are not quite Midgets like in the Wizard of OZ, but they are “Small People” with the Bodies of Children, and they make all the MALFEASANCE (TV SHOWS) known to us of Pak-Toe as the {NEWS} World Order!!! Could it be so easy’ too see that Witches, and Warlocks are incubus, and succubus in their SMALL BODIES Pretending to be Just outta “High School” but way older like the Fairies, and Dwarves on the old, and new Charmed???? Me says this is TELL…

Heretofore, I am no longer concerned with your BLACK HOLE EYES although, you might want to know what type of Sorcery and [Dark Magic] +=+ was done to you, and your children, and your people that you have LOST the color in your IRIS…. I am now {more concerned} with these INFLUENCERS, and their Hollywood Too BIG (Heads) for their Child Like Small SEXUALIZED Bodies of Make Up, and Tranny-ism, and Gay Sex kisses trying too make our Heterosexual Children STOP having sex, and making WE HUMAN BABIES among all the Other Names these AVATARS of Corporeal Means host: from the Spiritual Esoteric World, and if I DO Make youm think.?.?.?, and if I do give youm the [INDEPENDENCE] too see all The Racka of Mathew 5, then know I Christ Jesus Returned do this, so the BOOK OF REVELATION will come to conclusion, and we can play a different GAME “in this” ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE!!!

Johnny Exodice

Do not be afraid too Think your own thoughts, too make NEW COMMUNITIES with people whom know “we are” inside a Celestial Sphere, and that there are MANY Access Points to the UNDERGROUND {Mega Cities} these SMALL PEOPLE all hide in with their Females TOO BIG Heads, and too big feet, and hands as Magical (Witchcraft) can no longer hide their true face of disposition, and no COSMETICS of VANITY nor VOGUE [make up] [{**}] can make them any taller then all the SHORT PEOPLE called Hollywood ACTORS and “Actresses” of THE CRAFT of Lies, and Deceptions, and Misdirection's, as we once did Everything the TV Said: or showed from Sports to Music to Dance, and now the {WE ARE} know everything on TV is part of the Illusions and Delusions called being “Tricked” or Treated into never leaving HADES, and me thinks it is time to WAKE THE FUCK UP, and go home!!!

The Society of nonmason~

When Miley Cyrus says: It doesn’t have too {stay this way} FOREVER, she is correct, and even though Mileys Days are numbers as the 27 CLUB says: Your Body is still too small, and your head is still too big, so you must be RETIRED clone, or Robot, or Android, or What NOT!!!

The Sentinel…

They have the bodies of Children, that is why you never “see” anyone on TV in person…

The Commander~

Σ † ∞ π Ω ‡


Once you have rendered all the information on MUD FLOODS and FLAT EARTH and these WARS OF THE WORLD with a functioning FANTASTIC PLANET inner world, and a whole other World on the other side of this FLAT EARTH with Doppelganger POPULATIONS,

and then all these people too this moment whom LIE TO OUR FACES that they still believe we LANDED ON THE MOON, and that there are no Military {D.U.M.B.S.} paid for no less by all our NON-MASON citizens Taxes for TV SHOWS from the Cold War to the latest MADE IN CHINA Mars Rover, you do what you gotta do to see what else are these FREE MASON Jesuit Zionist LODGES in our home towns hiding,

and what information do they have on you and your family from Court to Hospital to SPIES for {G4S] U.N. Troops to take over you CITY as has happened in the City of Miami Beach by these INTERNATIONALIST and their CEO Global Citizens Pass Ports?????

The Rag Tag Rebellion~ #COVAXXED [{**}]


At 3:50 in the above video: now we know why all the Church Bells and ANY BELLS were removed - destroyed - broken in all the MUD FLOOD WARS of WW1 and WW2 for fairies are real, as is Code + Magic + Alchemy = SORCERY,

and these THINGS aka nonhumans use THE RAPTURE of these {TV Screens} are used too keep all other POPULATIONS in Lock Step with their WORLD DOMINATION PLOT of PizzaGATE Satanist and all their {G4S] U.N. Troops,

and all these OUT POST from the other side of FLAT EARTH and INNER EARTH known as these FREE MASON Lodges in our home towns....

The Commander~ #EXODICE [{**}]


What you need to know is A Changeling is more about looking like these THINGS on the Hollywood Movie Stars with their Strange Bodies, Hands, Feet, and Heads especially on the FEMALES,

and we will just know their MAKE UP does not hide their true stature, and in that, STUDY the Females on all TV Shows, and I am sure the Males will turn out to be the Real Dwarves that are also Very very EVIL'

not good as in the LIE Agreed Upon of Sleeping Beauty, and the SEVEN Dwarves....

The Sentinel... #JINX [{**}]


This is just a little added thing for those whom now say Yeshua rather then Jesus, and you might enjoy listening to it if you are still have a hard time comprehending how too look up BIG WORDS,

and using them when you think and speak and even when you dream whilst resting your body.... Christ Jesus Returned....

#EXODICE [{**}]


IN this day and age of {Lies Agreed Upon} by all U.N. Troops, and their ROMAN CATHOLIC Jesuit Zionist of CAPITALIST {G4S] Corporation World Police called PEACEKEEPERS:

of these U.N. FLAGS whom are not our people, nor do they come from this side of FLAT EARTH, we shall endeavor too learn more about these Myths and Lore....

The Sentinel... #EXODICE [{**}]


Keep learning Big Words my people and children of Pak-Toe for The Racka are all around you.... The Commander~

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