Facebook Changes its Name to Meta, Focusing on Virtual Interaction
Alex Jones breaks down the Big Tech news of Facebook's name change to 'Meta' as they focus on virtualizing human interaction.
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metaverse sounds as multiverse
mathematics impersonating metaphysics : string theory :
startrek, starwars, alien, et, avengers, xmen, kundun : scientology

atem : the torah
meta in hebrew is reversed

And one more thing comes in mind, Bible tells about days when they want to die and they cannot! And this is what they luring you into and the end, you will want to die and rest from their tortures and you will not be able to. So, if you are the one who will go for it, follow him then you been told your end

Do you want yo look like him!? He is not human! At beast a clone and dumbs still follow to the cliffs

beware warren gouze in berkshire and jimmy jospin with bob carrignon in disney will rape hollywood to grab cash