Facebook & BitChute Are Both Censoring Australian Users On Their Sites
Apologist Justin Derby responds to Facebook's recent decision to ban all Australian users from being able to share and see news stories of any kind from any country, and Justin also responds to BitChute's decision to start censoring Australian users and creators at the same time.
Facebook blocks Australian users and publishers from viewing or sharing news:
Facebook Blocks News, Government And Health Updates In Australia: ‘An Assault On A Sovereign Nation’:
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MAGABook: https://www.magabook.com/TTOR_Official

facebook, bitchute, youtube, twitter are undercover gchq-nsa
most of posts are made by fbi and mi6 moderators misleading web with fake news to cover relevant news
it has a been a while many guys on facebook claim that justin trudeau is fidel castro son : hoax made by fbi for covering herbert bush and fidel castro brotherhood, justin trudeau and bill clinton parenthood, ted cruz and fidel castro parenthood
fbi and mi6 drown web with many fake news for hiding real news

FB and Bitchute are the schoolboy versions of media platforms, the sooner you graduate and move on the sooner you will be in control of your mind.