Extreme Dangers - Urgent Pleas From Sheriff Richard Mack | 40K FootView with JMC Ep. 37
- President Trump clip β warns of 100% chance of multiple terrorists attacks
- Mack warns of 100% chance of multiple attacks
- Sheriff Mack pleas with DJT to NOT have the inauguration and has a safer
alternative way to get that done
- Mack discusses the shots across the bow already taken β heed the call America
- Directives to the public to align oneself with the Sheriff and the important current topics to discuss with them
- Mack warns the people to have 6 months essentials stored at home
- Hollman-Mack and we the people β follow the simple plan and protect your
community now β deportation program β enlist now!
- Catastrophe has entered our country
- Mack covers sex trafficking -sale of children and the importance of getting the border secured now
- CSPOA β look it up and take action now you MUST get involved
- How did Justice Scalia weigh in on his Mack case ruling What are CLEOS?
- Mack reveals his intel training about what is coming to America β violence and attacks all around β grid will be hit β water supply-electric grid
- Get your Sheriffs posse badge today
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