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EXPOSING THE LIES OF HISTORY (ELH), Reed Sainsbury, Chap 11, Communism, Apr 19, 2023

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Published on 19 Apr 2023 / In News and Politics

EXPOSING THE LIES OF HISTORY (ELH), DEPROGRAMMING 101, Reed Sainsbury, Chap 11: Communism, Apr 19, 2023

AS A MENTION: Jacob and Esau MADE PEACE with each other. Gen 32-33.

“Communism is not a movement of the downtrodden masses but is a government created, manipulated and used by power-seeking billionaires in order to gain control over the world … first by establishing socialist governments in the various nations and then consolidating them all through a ‘Great Merger,’ into an all-powerful world socialist super-state probably under the auspices of the United Nations.”—None Dare Call It Conspiracy (1971)

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