Exposing The Andrew Torba Cult Of Personality On Gab
Apologist Justin Derby discusses the cult of personality around Andrew Torba that has emerged on Gab over the past couple of years.
Then They Came For Christians: A Warning:
Free Speech Platform Gab Enjoys Explosive Growth Due to Big Tech Censorship:
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@TTOR : "
One more step
Please complete the security check to access gab.com
Please stand by, while we are checking your browser..."
maybe due to proxy but 3 days ago it was working without checking browser

personality cult is same as facebook and twitter self-erecting zuckerberg and dorsey as god
it has been 2 days gab users are scanned by nsa aka google analyticss asking to click 5 times on traffic light and crosswalk to certify that you are not a robot before entering gab