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Exposing Epstein by CJBjerknes books interviews Richard Willett

JamesRoss - 698 Views
Published on 02 Feb 2024 / In People and Blogs

This is a very interesting interview considering underground and under-surface transport to the Island -(Stephen Hawking was just a remote-controlled puppet that the Science community Luciferians built-up like Einstein to bring in false theories to cover-up the magnetic electric universe. He was placed on the submarine for more cover-up. What a shit-show the Luciferians are making Western Civilization into)

just speed-up the speed to 2x or 1.75x ... Bjerknes appears to be a trail-blazer to keep an eye on. He is exposing the DUMBs which is rare... my speculation about the DUMBs are similar to his.

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