Exclusive - See The Footage Obama Wanted Deleted At His 60th Birthday Bash
Exclusive - See The Footage Obama Wanted Deleted At His 60th Birthday Bash
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it looks obvious that w invested own shell assets in cuba
some claim that dalai lama donated 359 million $ to modi for insuring own cover
money from celebrities in california
dalai lama claims that lvmh, macron, hollande hide money in belgium, switzerland, monaco ...
doing like william at ubp-coutts
washinton is so indebted that usa should have been under imf control ... like uganda and bolivia
so fbi busted dsk to avoid imf watch
then promoting lagarde for avoiding imf monitor
lagarde is supposed to be maxwell sister
your video do not play on ugetube or banthis
with dirty sound and no video track
youtube servers work smoothly meanwhile ugetube, banthis lag
stop your 4k hd post
make it on flv or divx instead like evrybody do
forget h264