Exceeding the Righteousness of the Pharisees and Scribes
Exceeding the righteousness of the Pharisees and scribes seems like an impossible goal... but Jesus is simple teaching a new way to apply commandments that requires digging down to the level of thoughts, motivations, and emotions!
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This message is a clip from a more extensive look at the sermon on the mount you can access here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upriwyzq6CM
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With each of these illustrations that follow this brief introduction Jesus contrasts the letter of the law and its traditional interpretation with His more exacting requirements. He uses a formula: “You have heard… but I say”. In doing so He is not contradicting the law, or replacing it. He is teaching a new way to apply commandments that requires digging down to the level of thoughts, motivations, and emotions… a project which is ultimately beyond the ability of language to express. If Jesus were merely offering a more complete list of do’s and don’ts it that we could carve on new stones He would not address the core issue of internalization… the Holy Spirit writing the laws of God on your heart and mind.
Gal 3:21 If you could put righteousness into words or regulations… then the law of God was it. Holy, righteous, good.
So, the laws and commandments remain… a guide to life and a starting point for a more intense spiritual project. Putting on the mind of God through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in you!