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[Bitchute] https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sergeant-major/
[Brighteon] https://www.brighteon.com/channels/sergeantmajor
[UGETube] https://videos.utahgunexchange.....com/@SERGEANT%20MAJ
[OurTube] https://ourtube.co.uk/@SGMs_Truther_Info
[NewTube] https://newtube.app/user/SGMs_TRUTHER_INFO
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[Lbry] https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@SergeantMajor'sTrutherInfo#21f9aff7cc7c7903e1554b8ca3134badae40e9eb
Note: The SERGEANT MAJOR'S TRUTHER INFO group with 33,500 members was deleted by FaceBook/Government on 01/24/20. The SERGEANT MAJOR'S TRUTHER INFO channel with 50,000 subscribers was deleted by YouTube/Government on 02/14/20.
"The 5 rules to AWAKENING: Rule #1 - Everything you were ever taught is a lie by design; Rule #2 - governments lie 100% of the time, they always have, and they always will; Rule #3 - the Illuminati controlled mainstream media is not reality, but rather is lies, disinformation, half-truths, and fake events carried out by gov/media hired crisis actors (aka role players); Rule #4 - Spirituality and Reincarnation are reality, whereas religions are simply government crowd control measures; and Rule #5 - this plane(t) called earth is a flat, motionless plane, it is not a spinning ball hurling through outer space. Furthermore, the 4 Sources of Disinformation that are ALWAYS FAKE: government, mainstream media news, matrix sciences, and religions." -- Sergeant Major
Now at 1:59 in this movie, it was NOT White People or a Race RIOT, it was the League of NATIONS prior to today's UNITED NATIONS that used the U.S. Military and Airplanes after {World War One} too BOMB "U.S. Citizens" of predominantly BLACK ONLY Successful WALL STREET Black Bankers, and this was not the only Native American DARK SKINS: Taken out as we know the MUD FLOOD Buildings {Pre Date} all Buildings in The 1920's,
so know YOUR ENEMY no matter your {Skin Tone} are these FREE MASON [U.N. Troops] / * \ in Total Domination, and Control of ALL U.S. states FLAGS.........,
and this "is why" youm NEVER see your {STATES FLAGS} on your Police, nor Militias called the National, and State, and Coast GUARDS: whom have [no reason] nor RIGHT too wear the Occupation U.S. FLAG of these FREE MASON U.N. FLAGS doing Sedition - Treachery - High Treason as OATH BREAKERS to their OATH OF OFFICE from: the Southern Hemisphere in our Northern Hemisphere FLAT EARTH Celestial Sphere Reality....
The Commander~ #JINX [{**}]