Objective observation has revealed the following to be true; Mr. Obama is a cultural marxist, Mr. Obama is anti-American, Mr. Obama is a globalist, and Mr. Obama is a very accomplished con-man. His hate for the principles our country was founded on is hidden behind soft smiles and compelling, although divisive, words garnished with verifiable lies. America was bamboozled into handing their lives over to a harbinger of chaos and now the foolish are confused as to why their lives are in chaos. He wasnβt the first, he was just the most efficient. His Neo-Marxist strategy to hide his malicious intentions behind the hue of his skin is what allowed him to rise above the ground work laid by his predecessors. I did not vote for him. It was obvious to me that when you trade white hoods for black hoods you still get burning crosses on the front lawns of who they deem their societal enemies. Despite what Mr. Obama, as a Cultural Marxist would have you believe, evil is not inherent to any particular ethnic origin, but dwells in the hard hearts of mankind itself. Elected leaders are the direct reflection of the prevailing national culture. With this in mind, historically speaking, we have consistently elected leaders that choose not to represent the interests of the American people, but instead further their own interests by serving the elite class that ironically Marx claimed to oppose. Marxβs ideology was never meant to create a classless society, but instead was a brilliant vehicle to convince the proletariat to relegate themselves into a slave class and willingly except the domination of the high-born where he planned to reside. Mr. Obama stands as the culmination of decades upon decades of experimentation and in the end the Frankenstein monster that was unleashed upon our country did what he was created to do - burn the United States to the ground.
ON PODCAST: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/EPISODE-51-ACCORDING-TO-OBAMA-CRIMINALS-SHOULD-BE-ALLOWED-TO-VOTE-e2fsh2q