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The Light Bulb Initiative
Published on 17 Nov 2023 / In News and Politics

Elections cannot cure a diseased culture, on the contrary, only people can inoculate themselves against cultural decline. The first step, the first ingredient needed for an effective vaccine is objective truth. Like an addict’s initial public declaration, we cannot move towards sobriety until we face our good, our bad, and our ugly. The mob depicted in the video I’m sharing today beating an unarmed man into a coma are not monsters they are human. The very worst aspects of humanity certainly, but human nonetheless. Used by every tyrant past, present, and most assuredly future, dehumanization attempts to spare their conscience the weight of otherwise unjustifiable violence against their own kin. If this brutality was carried out by a pack of jackals, then we can rationalize this barbarity as something we would never be capable of. If we deem a specific group of people “rats”, then their extermination becomes a public service not a genocide. Hamas beheads babies while Planned Parenthood rips them apart in the womb and yet it is only the former that is labeled monstrous. I say they are both ugly. Evil is ugly and it must be faced if it is to be fought. And to face it we must first look in the mirror and acknowledge that throughout history we have quickly devolved from civility to barbarism in the blink of an eye. A neighbor claims their Jewish friends are like family on Monday and then by Friday turn them in to be burned alive. In China we see teenagers reading a red book on Monday and then by Friday turning on parents that sacrificed everything for them. And yes, we also see a brother exclaim that his sister should no longer receive medical care because she refused to be a part of a global experiment that created 9 new Pharma billionaires while at the same time destroying our national economy. How many times does this need to happen before we learn? How many empires need to fall? How many brothers and sisters are we going to watch kill brothers and sisters before we recognize that we are broken, cursed and diseased? Yes we are diseased and only Christ is the cure.

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