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Episode 35 - Feeling Cold, But It's Good To Be Alive - 12/21/22

† The ULTRA Smooth Stone †
Published on 18 Jan 2023 / In News and Politics

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We don’t need the money, we willing podcast just about every week gladly and freely, but we are getting y’all more in an easy come easy go mind frame, so when the collapse happens, you will be generous with an open hand, sparing, and working with one another to build each other up in a stronger community, also possibly helping supporting each others channels, no matter how small, as long as they are bringing you good and informative content.
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Order from preparewithdan, preparewithdave, preparewithlisa, preparewithBee, or to save 25% or $250 off on 4-week basic survival kits or 3-month basic survival kits that contain high calorie storable foods & a metal bucket so you can be prepared for what is coming in case the Patriots mess up.

Boxer gets permanent brain damage from an illegal blow, the crowd & commentaters thought he was pretending, the brain damage then lead to an ever worsening brain bleed, they were trying to drain his skull & get rid of the excess blood to limit the swelling, he went into a coma, then 221 days later, he came out of it a vegetable

Music: Good To Be Alive – Jason Gray; Bring Me To Life – Evanescence; Before the Morning – Josh Wilson

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