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2️⃣ Imagination
Sol Luckman

Episode 2 Bigfoot Witnesses And What We Have Learned

Hip Gnosis
Hip Gnosis - 670 Views
Published on 14 Jan 2022 / In Film and Animation

How many witnesses of Bigfoot are actually out there? Is there a way to have an educated guess as to how many eyewitness accounts are out in society? Yes, there is and I use it in this Minnesota Bigfoot episode 2 Bigfoot Witnesses and what we have learned.

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The outdoors can make for scary woods stories and we may find ourselves in haunted woods! Is #Bigfoot nothing but American Indian folklore? If that's true how do we explain Bigfoot caught on camera? Bigfoot and #Sasquatch are creatures that cannot be explained and are the subject of many a #cryptozoology documentary. If you listen to the radio then you may have heard some bigfoot stories coast to coast. Even Survivorman bigfoot is a thing. While finding bigfoot may be off the air Minnesota Bigfoot is still outdoors trying to have one more bigfoot sighting caught on tape.
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2️⃣ Imagination
Sol Luckman