Episode #1363 - The Pete Santilli Show with Pete Santilli - Thursday - August 31 - 2018
Show notes & headline links:
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"...a Back To The Future-esque Presentation of our Constitution..." - Pete Santilli WATCH THE TRAILER: http://InSearchOfLiberty.com
Special Guest: Joe Dan Gorman
Joe Dan calls himself a renaissance hillbilly and the Host of Intellectual Froglegs,
Which happens to be the BEST conservative satire show....ever.
Hell Yes; It's Pro Trump Snark wrapped in Classic American Rock & Roll.
Blocked by YouTube---so you know it's good! http://joedangorman.com/
ON THE WEB: https://intellectualfroglegs.com/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/JoeDanMedi....a?ref_src=twsrc%5Ego
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/JoeDanGorman