Engarde Body Armor Level IV Torture Demo! M2AP
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Test Gun: H&R M1 Garand, 24" barrel, AR-15, 20" barrel
Test Taken: 45 feet
Rounds Used: .30-06 M2AP, 5.56x45mm: M193 and SS190 in 5.56
Armor Used: Engarde Level IV ICW: https://goo.gl/zl4gLE
Temperature: 66.0°F
Humidity: 75%
Baro: 29.92"HG
Dew Point: 57.9°F
Elevation: 849 Feet
All velocities are in feet per second (fps)
Shot 1 @ 2,682 - Stopped
Shot 2 @ 2,588 - Stopped
Shot 3 @ 2,609 - Stopped
Shot 4 @ 2,588 - Stopped
Shot 5 @ 2,666 - Penetrated
M193 @ 3,292 - Stopped
SS190 31gr @ 3,642 -Stopped
This plate took a beating. Definitely less backface using the blunt trauma pad, and the IIIA backer.
Links to Businesses/Products to help channel:
SG Ammo: https://goo.gl/mZlnTR
LifeAid Bevco: http://fbuy.me/fAqZz
Camera(s): Canon Rebel T6S, Canon HF R500, GoPro HD Hero 3+ Black Edition, iPhone 7
Edited with: Adobe Premiere Elements 14
Audio: Zoom H5
Music: Intro Music Provided Royalty Free by Ritual Suicide Copyright 2013
Music: Provided by YouTube Creation Tools.