End Time Prophecies - The coming of Christ Has No Third Coming.mp4
SSR MEDIA - 155 Views
Published on 05 Nov 2020 / In People and Blogs
Some believe that there is a third coming of Christ, which the video exposes this to be false...
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4 years ago
If you know anything about Nicholas Patula from remnantofGod ministries you can see that this man has infiltrated the remnant movement to trap people through using truth, but then has new found unbelievable errors where he has backslided from the truth in order to deceive the people. Anyone who has been apart of his sdr church can see how people are mistreated horribly, lied about if they do not comply with their evil ways and will destroy anyone verbally if you get in their way. See all the Biblical evidence here of this ministry and why so many walk away from his church say he is a Roman catholic Jesuit.
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