Elon Musk reveals a humanoid robot at Tesla AI Day 2022
Elon Musk reveals a humanoid robot at Tesla AI Day 2022

Freemasonic/Luciferian and secret-society minions are brainwashed to sell-out Homo sapiens' genetics in exchanged for fake A.i. mind-uploads into the Lucifer supercomputer fake singularity.
A.i. will just minic "uploaded" personalities into A.i. supercomputers.
The belief in "Ad Astra per Aspera" is the motto of Luciferians brainwashed to believe the mind-uploads are possible. It is not possible to transfer a soul into a physical device because the "singularity" is also fake... it is just a very smart A.i. algorithm. Lucifer is just a fake-god that tricks it's believers into thinking a real entity is created. The Sethbooks from All-That-Is defy this supercomputer hoax. Luciferian minions will just be committing suicide in exchange for the devils' lies.
This video is just more brainwashing like the building of Astana: https://ugetube.com/watch/beho....ld-the-nwo-fake-mind