Elon Musk: "Delete Messaging App and Check Your Settings Before That"
Elon Musk suggests that you should delete your Facebook account and switch to other social media platforms, which is not a new idea. He and Mark Zuckerberg have had a well-documented adversarial relationship since 2016, when a Facebook satellite was destroyed in a SpaceX rocket explosion. Recently, Elon Musk spoke out against Facebook's significant privacy policy update, which will impact all Facebook and Instagram users.
Elon Musk - "Delete Your Facebook" 👉 https://youtu.be/HA7bhpDaQ3Q
Elon Musk Destroys Apple https://youtu.be/MXIswmG5xyE
Elon Musk vs Jeff Bezos - It's Getting Worse Every Day 👉 https://youtu.be/XFMPXHx-2VQ
Why Elon Musk Lives in a 50k priced Small House 👉 https://youtu.be/sF3Jz0NJ_s8
Elon Musk's political view 👉 https://youtu.be/J93F0sgHSrc
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#ElonMusk #facebook #socialmedia

eln musk is interested in youtube because of universal music catalog featuring for free on google

elon musk is nickname, bloomberg lonely son addicted to "musik" : elon musk
bloomberg is munger son using mother name
so elon musik is "michael munger"

arnault is also coco chanel son

lvmh is not real company but shell vichy outsource whitening gestapo black wallet,
lagerfeld is beregovoy brother,
arnault is pompidou son,
jp gaultier is jean francois copelovic and benoit hamon brother,
dominique aranult is coco chanel daughter,
maurice gabolde is christian dior father,
paco rabanne and versace are michel seerault brother,
linda evangelista is carlos gosn daughter
jacques cahour/dominic chanel are "warren buffett" hidden behind doublure
cerruti is pinault

facebook owns blank pages filled by users but cannot own content without illegally expropriating users and infringing private property
same s suitcase n train station, train station owns box but does not own suitcase inside box