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Elon Musk Does God Exist?

BsbidenFjoe - 428 Views
Published on 20 Jan 2022 / In Spiritual

Get the truth so No Manipulation.

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hard-drive 3 years ago

notice google and tesla business promoting cars instead of redirecting to nikola tesla links on wikipedos

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hard-drive 3 years ago

does elon musk from att, paypal, gchq and sea org exist ?
sellling tesla farce 10 times higher price than chinese automated electric car to finance gestapo and indebt usa

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Mememe 3 years ago

Jas_2:19  You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago

Gods Creation
6 minutes ago
So you just can't take it NO MORE in the USA or the EU, and you are ready Bug out with your Richie from Boston Bug out bad, and you got your cell phone, so what do you do at the old Domicile.?.?.?

Well I have all my Discord Phones listening too different TV Channels and talking to one another, and then I played a "Song" on the Flip Phone, or better yet download the BLACK SHEEP Slot Game, and just lay it on the Discord Phones communicating with one another, and that will keep the FLIP PHONE making noise........., and thence' put it on one of those Phones, and then the Primary Phone` for all my Contacts in another room listening to another TV Channel......., as the LAPTOP Plays a 5 hour YouTube Blues Session, and I just take my Bug Out Back Pack with nothing it,

and Drive - Drive - Drive till I is close to the Boarder for Transportation on a TRAIN into Central and South America or near the Middle East to book a Train down to the Green Lands of Africa, and start a new life as a Citizen of some FLAG in one of those Dark Skin Nations of BLACK HAIR POPULATIONS: too buy my {New Residency} Qballs~ /-\ until I am approved my NEW NORMAL Citizen-Ship, so I can [REVOKE] /_\ my U.S. and E.U. Citizenship and just make it even if I am now in my Late 50's like 56....

Good Luck, and when they come to your House to find you, all they will find is all your OLD I.D. Cards for Banks and Crypto from Police to Military I.D. and once youve gone A-WALL, hey!!!!!

You are no longer a NATO E.U. CITIZEN nor a U.N. Troop U.S. Citizens of Oath Breakers to their OATH OF OFFICE, so Fuck em all!!!!!

John The Baptist~ ? ? ?

Purgatory ends in 2094 CE meaning this World ENDS in 2094 CE so why be a Debt Slave to a FLAG you know will kill and murder you my NON-MASON.?.?.?

Paul The Apostate~ ⚗

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