Ellsworth Maine School Board Meeting Jan13th 2022 COVID19 Masks.mp4
Ellsworth Maine School Board Meeting Jan13th 2022 COVID19 Masks
Ellsworth ME School Department
January 13th, 2022 - Ellsworth School Board Meeting

Yuri Bresemanov was correct… The bolsheviks wanted to destroy America by causing Americans to heat their own country entered sow internal dissent. When people talk about critical race theory they don’t compare the United States to every other country in the world at the same time. They also don’t mention that the United States is where antiracism and the melting pot happened at a greater pace than any other part of the world. These idiots need to go visit Japan today to see what racism is really like. Hell, they can go see China to see what racism is really like today. But a very bad education system and a very provincial view of the world prevents people from understanding that they need to compare the United States to other countries and not just compare the United States to some ideal world that has never existed.

I love school board meeting videos. We get to see tyrants get their asses handed to them verbally, and hopefully, it encourages others to get involved.
Thank you