Eleven Fifty Five: Divisions
OurCurrentReality - 430 Views
Published on 27 Feb 2019 / In Film and Animation
this has always been a big one for us – and it might just be the result of years as a writer. the point being – few things are as exciting to us as really digging into the mind of one of our favorite. while interviewing the world is a great way to do that – it’s sometimes just as effective to go in and simply listen. there is a lost art of spending time with this album and reveling in the art. there is a very real poetry to the flow of this album like smooth tunes, it’s just a matter of giving yourself the time to dig into it.
from our current reality comes the 4th album "Eleven Fifty Five" produced and made in 2018
download link: https://onewitness.bandcamp.com/track/divisions
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