Elena Danaan, ET Contactee Shares an Eclectic Array of Intel with Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE
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My name is Elena Danaan. I am an awakener. I came here to help an guide humanity reconnecting with their true nature and power, and embracing their sovereignty. I came from a place very far away from here, and like many others I chose as a mission of heart, to come and help humanity of Earth in their great awakening.
I was born into this existence from a long ancient line of Baltic shamans. I travelled this planet and worked many years as a field archaeologist. Mainly in Egypt, working for the French and Egyptian governments, in Luxor, Karnak, Cairo, the Valley of the Kings and Dendera. I was initiated there, into the secrets and rituals of ancient Egyptian magic. I followed later the path of the ancient Druids to complete my knowledge and the connection with the magic of the Universe. Certified druidess and Celtic priestess, I worked at service to the human community, in Ireland, until the day I embraced my mission fully, as an awakener for the greater human community of Earth and an emissary of the galactic federation of worlds.
Contactee and experiencer since my earliest childhood, i share the knowledge i ave learned from my ET protectors, for the benefit of humankind. I wrote: "A Gift From The Stars", a book that tells the story of my abduction at the age of 9 by aliens from Zeta Reticuli, and my rescue by benevolent ETs from the Galactic Federation of Worlds, who have been protecting me all my life, and with whom I remain in contact to this day.
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