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A Message From The Unseen Realm

Electric Vehicles / Mysteries of the Realm

spirit warrior of the mist man
Published on 20 Apr 2023 / In People and Blogs

For me, I don't believe where we live is a globe
for the same reason, everything else is flipped on its head
in the favor of some other entities benefit not mine, yours or ours.

Very simple, not complicated.

Once you realize you're not on a ball,
you are not upside down anymore.

The electric car business was so profitable before the turn of the century, one could rent the vehicle from a company.
You simply dropped it off at the garage for maintenance when your fair was up.
Also a few city taxi services used only electric power.
By 1935, the plug is pulled on electric propulsion. 
The electric cars industry found themselves priced out of poor and middle class income brackets.
Which coincidentally left zero room to leverage product. 
One reason electric cars were a threat to some industries was because folks across the economic board had access to incredible battery technology, not the car.
One of the first electric cars built got sold to an individual buyer who reverse engineered the concept and made it better. This was a common practice with inventions in the old days.
Battery technology means home grown power, leading individuals to independent, reliable, efficient, energy for home, transport and manufacturing.
So the way I see it is that if you had an electric car with this amazing battery tech.
It was a versitale powerful, independent energy source, and you needed nothing else to live free but a Fire hydrant to charge it up. I personally think what we call fire hydrants now had a few more functions in the old world. I think these cars were roll usb technology.
I'll say this if you have access to power you don't need the home first you can bring your power tools wherever you want and build charging station and start building your dwelling, that kind of technology is to free roaming for what the programmers wanted for this realm.

Now I think the horses and wood wheels were attached to these chariots as the reset got underway to throw us off and invent a narrative. Because I do believe we could make a pretty good wooden wagon at that time. But it's super impracticable given the terrain one needed to navigate back then, so in my opinion, it was an ingenious idea.
to keep folks paying with planned obsolescence and because a wooden wheel could never last.
also get folks used to slave conditioned factory life. They needed thousands and thousands of wooden wheels to complete the sherade.

Here we have another mobile technology that got destroyed by the programmers. The steam man . The production of steam power in the beautiful machine wasn't fossil fuel, coal or physical fire, Honestly looking into this, I think this is a different civilization than us because this tech is off the hook.
Looking into the boiler plate robot nonsense,
heres the thing most everything you see of him is fabricated or a recreation to keep you off the track of free fuel for transportation. This is the real boiler plate man, he was made to pull a chariot . Look at his stance he cant be changed from this because.
that's all he does.
So anything that isn't in this stance is fabricated. I've done a lot of looking into this and until I find something that shows me he was designated for something else, I'm sticking to my conjecture on this.
I also think the military used him for some heavy duty tractor work because certainly the military took advantage of free energy sources, And since they couldn't control all the photos of this thing because I don't think there was just one, they propped him up and into a bunch of costumes and postures and basically made an action figure out of him. And don't forget to obfuscate boilerplates existence by putting him in a video game as a murderer of a child. You can't make this stuff up folks. I get so very sad for the Old World, then we have this article acting as this is the definitive truth behind the boilerplate man by proving he is a completely fabricated joke of this guy Again brilliant sleight of hand parlor tricks from the programmers.
were robots used for other things, well that depends on what your definition of a robot is. Again late, late 1800 and then disappeared, not likely. And here we have the electric one, this had to have been a huge industry just like the blimps , same futuristic society in my opinion.

Now back to wooden wheels. The funny thing is if you look closely at pictures,
many of these horse-drawn wagons don't have wooden wheels at all. My opinion is that they just didn't have enough time to get every one of them.
It's one of those things that they tell what to see but when you look, you see a have truth.
Kinda like they tell us there is curved water. But when you look out to the horizon, all you see is a plane.

I'm not sold on the idea horse pulled these chariots.

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A Message From The Unseen Realm