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Up next Raising The Love Vibration 22MAR2021

Abroadcom .net
Abroadcom .net - 133 Views
Published on 29 Mar 2021 / In

The second conversation with media consultant #MarenMolthan (independent news and music since 2009 at, who finds herself ever so grateful these days to acquire sound study of then and now identical models and popular mechanics in this planet's ecosphere, graduating with a diploma in molecular biology and biophysics from the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, in 1996. She has been producing science and cultural reports independently ever since. your paypal donation will support that painstaking effort and can reach her via her website at e-transfers from Canada can go directly to [email protected]. Thank you!

Michael Swinwood B.A. LL.B.: class action lawsuit has appealed the rejection of the Superior Court of Ontario on Monday, the 8th of March. The Canadian sovereignty advocate is asking for favourable prayers as to the Appeals Court judge receiving the appeal will apply common sense to hear the case. Swinwood called, upon the invitation of William Commander (Circle of All Nations), the group "Elders Without Borders" into existence, incorporating in 1999 as a not-for-profit company and listing as "active" since 2014, giving First Nations a tangible frame pursuing legal means to defend and re-establish Indigenous sovereignty within the Corporation of Canada, but also beyond in the entirety of Turtle Island, which is a First Nations term for all of America. you can reach him at [email protected] or check out the website at

As we are planning on regular updates, please send your questions to [email protected],
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redaktionell verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Sendung ist - views expressed in this video reflect the information level at the time of production - please share in the comments what you know is missing here - thank you! Danksagung - thank you - merçi: Brian Hedda Henner all sponsors and supporters of and donors - your commitment powers freedom - another iMovie production @ let me cut u my take (c) 2021

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