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Education Severity: Bleak Times of the Future aka 1984!!!

Brandon Nighthawk
Brandon Nighthawk - 244 Views
Published on 29 Nov 2023 / In News and Politics

Kids can't learn and don't know how to's education is a severe problem for the future!!! This is how bad it is...wrestlers in the 90s were trying to tell society as it truly was predictive programming as just recently The Dark Journalist & Olivia talk how awful the situation has become!!! Wrestling always shows you what's going on in the world and has major predictive programming. in 1993, 30 years ago this year, the late great wrestler & Finnish Parliament independent politician, Tony "Ludvig Borga" Halme speaks of how America was then! Mr. Bob Backlund during his crazy run for being President of the USA, he tells even in 1995 how bad the education system was then and it was truly predictive for this generation's learning at schools:[

The future is looking very bleak as teachers are teaching kids everything except of what they really need to learn. Their teaching them sex & violent stuff not to mention the rewriting of history and nothing that truly counts as "education"!

The Dark Journalist talks about Rudolph Steiner & Ahriman & 1984 and Olivia talks about how corrupted the school education is today that kids can't do math and put together a sentence which is so pitiful!!!

How can you prevent this? You can teach your kids what you know at home so this generation's future will be bright:)

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