EDC Update May 2015: New Way to Carry Crap
I have yet to run into any of TNPr that has more EDC capability than I do ;-) I say this only to advocate the use of a fanny pack... a light, trim one as shown here is the ticket. It remains the #1 way to make sure you have all your important stuff with you at all times. It easily fits into motorcycle tank bag, backpacks, and carry bags too. And now my new fannypack of choice is even better. From top to bottom, TacticalDoodle and myself sit at the table and but on each other’s EDC preferences and justify their choice. There’s no way we show every knife, gun combo we use…no time. But we show some core selections that we are carrying nowadays. The new carry pack I use rules and it’s the main reason I’m doing an update; order quick if you want one because it’s discontinued.