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Echelon, the secret power

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 120 Views
Published on 06 Jan 2024 / In Firearms

During the Cold War, the United States developed a massive surveillance system called « PROJECT 415 » known as ECHELON. Today the Cold War is over, but these giant ears placed in all four corners of the world are still being used...

aka Project 415, the secret power

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 11 months ago  

The Fortitude to say Yes or No

We have been on Quite a Ride with my Drinking, and once you know Booze is GASOLINE to fuel the Cars during Prohibition in the 1920’s to make sure people only used [CRUDE OIL] [{**}] too fuel them "Cars" where people got the Minimum Wage of ($5.00 a Day) +=- Rather Than +=+ working {Dawn to Dusk} [{}] for THE COMPANY......., and that minimum Wage had nothing to do with this Made Up "U.S. Government" Proclamations and DECLARATION's of Executive Orders by CEO Stake Holders: after all our Studies of the MUD FLOOD WAR of 1853 to 1854 that ended in 1855.

We can see N.O.W. that after the Great Nuclear Hydrogen Atomic War Using PROPANE Tanks of Oxygen........., and Hydrogen ATOM BOMBS; too make them Atom Bomb's in the MUD FLOOD WAR of 1853 to 1854 that ended in 1855 where the U.S. Spanish Silver Dollar became the U.S. English Silver Dollar in 1857........, AND that the ENGLISH would use any means to RULE This WORLD even Destroy our Celestial Sphere home world PLANET EARTH World Machine The MOON in the Night and Day sky, and had our God that is their God, your God, and my God NOT Brought all things back to life in 1855, and placed us in an {Oraborus Curse} / TIME LOOP of 1893 to 2093 back and over till Christ Jesus Returned, The Son of Satan would NEVER have been Born as I AM the Morning Star in the Book of Revelation unto the Book of Genesis in our HOTEL and MOTEL Room Gideon Bibles "meaning" none would be Redeemed, Saved, nor find [Atonement] with our God of GOOD and EVIL the Source of All Creation, and the Source of All Destruction come the end of Purgatory on 2094 CE February 11th as THE END of The Memory, and the Lesson of all their FREE MASON Lodge Member (Attendees) LIES AGREED UPON!

After the ENGLISH, the French, and the Spaniards destroyed everything in the World, they split is up during the League of Nations Chemical War Conventions of 1899 – 1907 – 1913, and the Cities started to do the CENSUS in the New Testament God Spell unto the Old Testament God Spell where all them whom murdered the whole wide world said this City was Founded in such and such date that come WORLD WAR ONE the Great Cleansing on unwanted Body Types and Skin Tone had removed many other Skin Tones by WORLD WAR TWO…

Youm whom read my every writ KNOW we can never Land on the Moon because The Moon is the What Was, What Is, and What will be in the Book of Revelation unto the Book of Genesis in the Holy Living Bible as we all REMEMBER with our Personal Deja-Vu whom done what, why you did what you did, and how you did it from BRUTALIST Rape Pornography to the extinction of all NON-MASON Populations world wide come Agenda 2027.

(Day 4 of no Drinking, and the Body is doing that Self Repair in The Greatest Miracle in the World as well as The Science of Eating wrote in 1920 that should be Daily School MATERIAL in our FLAT EARTH Magical Academy OFFLINE Gaming LAN Party Study Rooms)

We are at a Comprehension my NON-MASON that we are going extinct, and THE GOLEM in the Minds of the FREE MASON internationalist Capitalist Christian CHURCH PEOPLE are wiping out the remains of we whom know WE NEVER LANDED ON THE MOON as their TV People, their YouTube Junkies LIE about everything taking the 97% as Reprobate into Perdition, and though we know we as the 3% will be born too be Judged in this Judgment Chamber come THE END of Purgatory on 2094 CE February 11th, what I teach and Speak, you will only be able to do in secrete till THE END of The MEMORY, and The Lesson of all Their Lies Agreed Upon.

Be wary of any whom say they know THE WAY, for they do not teach what I have Taught, and they will live to break the TEN tending COMMANDMENTS unto Our Mother Heaven, and Our Father Earth till the very end of WHY YOU did what you did, How you did it as the Damned, the Cursed, and the Forsaken being FORCED to Relive it, as we watch them all Destroy our Celestial Sphere World Machine ONE LAST TIME…

SIDE NOTE: Remember, everything is a lie here, and all Flags, Languages, Stories, and Religions were created in 1893 AD / CE as you Navigate Purgatory till the end of Purgatory Come 2094 CE February 11th AD / CE

Johnny Exodice

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