East Palestine Ohio Vinyl Chloride Breach LIE Overheating Single Tanker LIE Train Axles On Fire LIE.mp4
East Palestine Ohio Vinyl Chloride Breach LIE Overheating Single Tanker LIE Train Axles On Fire LIE
Luke Belmar @lukebelmarYT
Truthstream Media @TruthstreamMedia
Ohio, White Noise, and the Power of Words over Things

Luciferian Freemasons are in positions of authority and they are now following Agenda2030 protocol directions from the A.i. supercomputer model to bring in their NWO, New Atlantean Empire or Fiery Phoenix which is born out of the ashes of to old world of Western Civilization.
It took 50ish years of development of their new Tower-Of-Babel where A.i. commands all the brainchipped initiates(human2.0 they call themselves) linked together into a secret army by the microwave prison-grid.
Catastrophes are typically arranged by the Masonic traitors against the prosperity of non-Cult-sworn people. They will tear down the old world so they can rebuild their new world under the command of A.i.Lucifer.

dalai lama and sea org organize rape in reanimation room during coma and surgery with lvmh squad before inseminating tcv surrogate mothers abroad for robbing america,
expecting to escape extermination with stolen disney passport delivered by widodo rama x soetoro to holande-petain pocket faking unawareness to cover identity theft with whole sea org and vichy squad