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BCP: Is the time ripe for a decisive step to save the Church and the papacy?

What is the truth
What is the truth - 598 Views
Published on 15 Aug 2023 / In News and Politics

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World Youth Meeting with the invalid Pope Francis took place in Portugal on 1-6 August. On his return flight, Francis said he would soon visit Marseilles and meet with Macron. While there, he will call anew for the creation of open corridors for so-called refugees in already devastated France.
In response to a journalist’s question regarding child abuse, Francis Bergoglio evasively said he had a zero tolerance for paedophiles. At the same time, in the spirit of the fraudulent ideology of so-called domestic violence, he falsely claimed that 42% of paedophile abuse cases occur in families. If so, these are surely so-called pseudo gay families that abuse children stolen from parents under the guise of so-called adoption. Sufficient reason for taking away a child under the evil law is also a proper Christian upbringing. The stolen children are then shunted between so-called foster families, sometimes even every three months. There is no one to protect or defend them, and they suffer abuse. Criminals go unpunished. But to claim that proper parents abuse their own children is a colossal lie in Bergoglio’s mouth and manipulation in the spirit of homoideology fanatically promoted by Bergoglio. By promoting it, he also massively promotes paedophilia while hypocritically calling for zero tolerance towards it.
Does “Q” orientation, promoted by Bergoglio, also include paedophiles? Yes, above all else. In January of this year, Bergoglio told the AP agency that homosexuality must not be criminalized. He knows very well that a large percentage of homosexuals are paedophiles. So Bergoglio publicly promotes paedophilia, thereby condemning state laws that protect children.
A few days before his arrival at the youth meeting in Portugal, the premiere of a film took place in the USA which drew the attention of the American public in particular to child stealing and child abuse. This sparked a wave of backlash against crimes committed on defenceless children. Francis Bergoglio knows very well about this child trafficking industry, where millions of abused children are involved. He has never effectively opposed this system. On the contrary, he covers it up by his efforts at ecclesiastical legalization of LGBTQ. Through an abuse of papal authority, he stifles the conscience of humanity so that crimes against children are perceived as something natural. Bergoglio has now definitely proven to be the vicar of Satan and the architect of satanization of humanity rather than the Vicar of Jesus Christ.
Bergoglio has also declared that every bishop must welcome Q-oriented persons, including criminal paedophiles, in the Church and bless their abuse of children. A bishop who will refuse to be a welcomer or undergo a so-called conversion will be removed from his position. It is incredible that Catholic bishops, priests and believers tolerate this. As for the 21 newly appointed cardinals, their appointment is null and void.
Every bishop who will attend the October assembly in the Vatican, which is to launch a secret religious coup with the view of transitioning the Church into the New Age Antichurch, will ipso facto excommunicate himself for the gravest crimes against God and the Church.
All sincere Catholics who have at heart the salvation of their own soul and the salvation of immortal souls are left in shock and with a bleeding heart. They see the supreme Church authority destroy without any resistance all the foundations of faith and morals that always provided a guarantee of salvation. On one side, those who destroy are organized and focused on a specific goal. On the other, the true Catholic bishops should intervene in this critical situation, become separated and united together, but they are paralysed and frightened. They delude themselves into believing that they cannot divide the Church. This is a big self-deception, which in this critical situation means rejecting the will of God! It means rejecting the salvation of the Church of Christ and His teaching of salvation!
What to do? Catholics should pray the full fifteen-decade Rosary or other prayers until the end of October, thus dedicating at least one hour daily for an awakening among true Catholic bishops and priests and for their courage to save the Church.
What should above all the US bishops do? May at least a small group of true and brave bishops, including the bishops emeriti, gather together and announce the election of a true Holy Father. Who should be this proven and faithful shepherd of Christ? Who has proven himself in the fight for faithfulness to the Church and orthodox teaching? Who was it that bravely opposed the homosexual and paedophile network in the Vatican? Who called on the invalid Pope Bergoglio to resign? Who has risked his own life for the sake of Christ and the Church and resisted this machinery of lies and death? Yes, dear Bishops of America, he was your very own former nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò.
This is an extraordinary situation which requires an extraordinary election for the sake of saving and restoring the Church.
A brief look at church history
In his Letter to Antonianus, St Cyprian informs us about the form of election of the Pope in the third century: “The Pope was elected by the testimony of all the clergy (orthodox clergy, of course, unlike today!!!) … with the consent of faithful bishops.” Church history has seen more cases of extraordinary election. Let us recall the end of the 70 years of the Avignon papacy, when there were two Popes simultaneously in the span of 37 years. In 1417, Martin V was elected in an extraordinary election through conciliarism now regarded as heresy. As for the period of the double papacy, there were more of them throughout the Church’s history, but then again unity was restored.
However, in this situation the true Catholic Pope elected in an extraordinary election will be a rightful one. On the other hand, there will be Bergoglio left with the title of so-called Pope, but one that is not rightful as he is a heretic and idolater. Equally, his successors from inside the homosexual network are under an anathema and will not be rightful Popes even if they reside in the Vatican.
The Church is currently in a state of sede vacante despite the fact that Bergoglio and the entire structure occupy the highest positions in the Church. Unless an extraordinary election takes place, it will mean the end of the institution of the papacy. The essence of the papacy is to protect the foundations of faith and morals. Bergoglio and his sect do the exact opposite! Every bishop, priest and believer faithful to the Catholic Church needs to be aware of this. To stay and keep the flock on the sinking Bergoglian Titanic is to close one’s eyes to reality and to reject the path of salvation from mass spiritual suicide.
Therefore, dear Catholics, unite in praying the Rosary, repent, call the truth the truth and a heretic a heretic, and God will bestow His light and grace upon priests and bishops so that they might take a step of faith in the current crisis situation to save the ship of Christ, which is the Church.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

9 August 2023

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