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Dwayne Johnson THE ROCK ADMITS Eating Children & Andrenechrome

Callise Allysea Angelique Artemis
Published on 06 Mar 2021 / In News and Politics

Honestly I would have never guessed in a million years Wayne Dwayne Johnson admits that he eats children and brags about it! I am so completely disheartened and disgusted. It's amazing when your eyes are open what you can see in here and sometimes you wish you were put back into the Matrix. NotHonnêtement, je n'aurais jamais deviné en un million d'années Wayne Dwayne Johnson admet qu'il mange des enfants et s'en vante!
Je suis tellement découragé et dégoûté.
C'est incroyable quand vos yeux sont ouverts ce que vous pouvez voir ici et parfois vous souhaiteriez être remis dans la matrice.

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Mammabird56 4 years ago

They call themselves elite because everything to them is an inversion. They are degenerates.

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Music Analyst
Music Analyst 4 years ago

They speak out in the open about this but wrapped in a jokingly manner. Yeah you cant go back to the matrix cause once you learn the truth, there is no reversal unless you get alzheimers or something

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